In 2019 Colorado voters passed Proposition DD by a narrow margin state-wide. Proposition DD legalized sports betting and allocated tax proceeds from betting to the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to help fund the implementation of Colorado’s Water Plan. The funding has surpassed all expectations. Initially, the program was projected to raise $10-$12 million a year and when the measure was passed, lawmakers imposed a $29 million annual cap on tax revenue, never expecting that Proposition DD revenue would come close to hitting that mark. Proposition DD revenues have increased so much that they’re exceeding that cap! Voters this year will decide whether the state can keep this additional money to support water projects.
Since 2019, Proposition DD has generated over $80 million dollars for the Water Plan Grant program to support hundreds of environmental, agricultural, and municipal water projects that benefit Coloradans in every corner of the state. While the Colorado Water Trust or its projects haven’t directly benefited yet from Proposition DD funding, we have benefited from what would go on to become the Water Plan Grant program when CWCB awarded us more than $200,000 to modify the Collier Ditch dam on the Little Cimarron River to allow flow bypass on the river, thereby creating better partnerships between the environment and agricultural users. Colorado Water Trust has partnered with the CWCB on many projects over the years, and we see this Water Plan Grant Program funding some incredible projects going forward!
From the YesonJJ website, here are some great examples of projects that have benefited from Proposition DD fundings:
Municipal Water Supply Conservation Projects, including $225,000 for the Alliance for Water Efficiency to support water conservation in mobile home parks in Colorado Springs, Thornton, and Fountain by conducting in-home repairs, providing water-saving opportunities, and addressing equity issues.
Agriculture Projects, like the Intermountain West Alternative Forages Project, which was awarded $280,000 to explore the feasibility of using less water-intensive forages—such as sainfoin and intermediate wheatgrass. Colorado agriculture is a vital part of our economy and makes good use of more than 70% of Colorado’s water to feed the country and the world. Supporting Colorado’s farmers and ranchers to operate more efficiently and innovatively are why projects like this are so critical to conserving Colorado’s water.
This fall, voters will be asked whether Colorado can keep and spend ALL tax revenues from sports betting, above the $29 million annual tax cap. This ballot measure is called Proposition JJ. Without a YES vote by Colorado voters, any revenues received each year above this cap must be returned to casinos and sports betting operators.
While the Colorado Water Trust does not typically take a position on political campaigns, our organization has decided to endorse Proposition JJ because it is a win for rivers, a win for farmers, and a win for cities – a win for Colorado.
Matt Rice
Trustee, Colorado Water Trust Board of Directors
Director, Colorado Basin Program, American Rivers
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